All taxpayers have basic rights when filing taxes and dealing with the IRS. This tip is one in a series that outlines the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, which groups the multiple existing rights in the nation’s tax law into 10 categories.
The Right to Be Informed – Taxpayer Bill of Rights #1
All taxpayers have basic rights when filing taxes and dealing with the IRS. The Taxpayer Bill of Rights takes the multiple existing rights in the nation’s tax code and groups them into 10 categories. This makes them easier to find,
IRS Taxpayer Bill of Rights outlines protections for all taxpayers
All taxpayers have rights when they interact with the IRS. These ten rights are the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, and they cover a wide range of topics and issues that directly affect taxpayers. These rights explain what taxpayers can expect
Tips on How to Handle an IRS Letter or Notice
The IRS mails millions of letters every year to taxpayers for a variety of reasons. Keep the following suggestions in mind on how to best handle a letter or notice from the IRS: Do not panic. Simply responding will take
Dos créditos tributarios de educación que te pueden ayudar con gastos universitarios
Con el regreso a clases, los padres y estudiantes deben averiguar sobre los créditos tributarios que pueden ayudar con los gastos de educación superior. Esto se debe a que el crédito reduce la cantidad de impuestos que el contribuyente adeuda
Two education credits to help you with college costs
With school back in session, parents and students should look into tax credits that can help with the cost of higher education. They do this by reducing the amount of tax someone owes on their tax return. If the credit
IRS encourages preparation for natural disasters
As Dorian threatens and with the peak of hurricane season just ahead, the Internal Revenue Service reminds everyone to develop an emergency preparedness plan. Taxpayers, whether individuals, organizations or businesses, should take time now to create or update their emergency
Employers who provide leave might qualify to claim valuable credit
Employers who provide paid family and medical leave to their employees might qualify for a credit that can reduce the taxes they owe. It’s called the employer credit for family and medical leave. Here are some facts about the credit
Here’s what taxpayers should know about the new IRS Tax Withholding Estimator
Taxpayers who haven’t yet checked their withholding this year should do so ASAP. All taxpayers can do this by using the new mobile-friendly Tax withholding Estimator. This new tool can be used by workers, as well as retirees, self-employed individuals
Tax planning should include a Paycheck Checkup
Year-round tax planning is important for everyone. Just because a taxpayer already filed their tax return doesn’t mean they don’t need to think about taxes for the rest of the year. In fact, what they do now may affect any